"The Alchemyst: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flannel" by Michael Scott was recommended to me by Dylan, one of my 4th grade students from last school year. I just finished reading this awesome book, which is also on the 2010-2011 Rebecca Caudill List. Sophie and Nick are two tennage twins whose lives change in the blink of an eye. They find themselves on the run with an strange man named Nicholas Flannel. They discover that Nicholas Flannel is an Alchemyst and holds pages to a coveted book.
I really don't want to give too many details away but the thing I loved most about this book is the incorporation of characters from myths, stories, fables, and religions of many cultures. My favorite character is Bastet, the Egyptian Cat Goddess!
If you liked "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief", you'll love "The Alchemyst"!!!!!
Labels: Rebecca Caudill 2011