"Diamond Willow" by Helen Frost is a beautifully written story about a girl living in a remote part of Alaska. I don't want to give away too much of the story, but the book is mainly written in diamond poems. After reading the diamond poem, readers can read the boldfaced words for a secret message.
The story is very suspenseful and heart-warming. If you like dogs, you will love this book!!!
This might be the winner...
"The Yellow Star" by Jennifer Roy is the story of a Jewish girl living through World War II and the Jewish ghetto. When her family is forced into the Lodz ghetto, there are about 250,000 people living in there. At the end of the war, only 800 people had survived and only 12 were children. "The Yellow Star" brings to life the horrible tragedies of World War II and gives the reader a personal look at the tough life faced by Jews in the ghettos.
I really enjoyed reading this book - there have been many wonderful WWII themed books on the Rebecca Caudill list in the last few years and this is probably one of the best. I could definitely read this book with my 4th grade students after reading "Number the Stars".
Labels: Rebecca Caudill 2011